Girelle Caesar Salad

Ingredient List

Fresh crispy salad (lollo or iceberg type)
Thinly sliced roast chicken
Madras curry mayonnaise sauce
A few crumbled walnuts
Parmesan cheese or grana padano in thin sheets
Extra virgin olive oil


Prepare a citronette (oil, salt, pepper, lemon) to season the salad.
Work the mayonnaise with a whisk, adding a teaspoon of turmeric (or, if you prefer, curry madras) Heat the piadina in a frying pan, then brush it with the mayonnaise, gently place the salad leaves on it (washed and patted thoroughly, then season with the citronette), add the cheese sheets, then the chicken. Roll up the piadinas, then cut them into rounds of 3-4 cm and serve.

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